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WWAA launches Skagit Farm Circle

More than 350 area elementary students learned about Skagit agriculture through WWAA's new Skagit Farm Circle. In partnership with the Skagit County Fairgrounds and Whatcom Family Farmers, WWAA hosted students, their teachers, and parent volunteers over the 2-day event.

"This was a great way to get kids talking about how their food is produced at an early age," explained Kara Rowe, WWAA's policy director. "We had an awesome turnout for this first year, and we expect the event to grow. Local teachers, students and families learn about salmon, forestry, and water through similar programs. The WWAA board was incredibly supportive of an event that highlights our farms and agriculture."

The Skagit Farm Circle was sponsored by AgWest Farm Credit, Washington State Potato Commission, Dairy Farmers of Washington, and KR Creative Strategies. Volunteers from WWAA, S&B Farms, Papé Machinery, Mount Vernon School District FFA and Mount Vernon Christian FFA, and AgWest all made the program a success.

WWAA board member and Wilbur-Ellis agronomist, Torey Wilson, explained how technology and equipment works on area farms at the 1st annual Skagit Farm Circle. WWAA partnered with the Skagit County Fairgrounds and Whatcom Family Farmers to launch this popular event in the middle of November. More than 350 elementary school students attended with their teachers and chaperones.

NARF elects new officers, reviews research funding

In a collaborative effort with the Puget Sound Seed Growers Association and Western Washington Small Seed Advisory Committee, the Northwest Agricultural Research Foundation (NARF) met recently to allocate research dollars to local projects. Projects reviewed include Management of Verticillium wilt in potato and spinach seed crops in western Washington, Introducing new herbicides to seed production in Washington State, Managing Delia spp. root maggots in spinach seed crops in the PNW, Identifying Alternatives to Diazinon for Control of Cabbage Maggot in Vegetable Seed Crops, Evaluating the sensitivity of spinach growth stages to soil moisture stress and Tea propagation outreach and establishing field production in northwest Washington. Final decisions are made after the first of the year. WWAA supports NARF, and serves as it's administrative staff.

The NARF board also elected it's 2025 officer team and welcomed two new board members, Corey Hughes and Carl Hausauer. The 2025 officer team are:

President - Sierra Hartney
Vice President - John Roozen
Treasurer - Corey Hughes
Secretary - Nathan Sakuma

NARF exists to support, directly or indirectly, experimental and research related work in connection with:

The control of diseases, insects, cultural, fertility, and soil problems.

Crop and plant breeding, selection, and testing to enhance yield, quality, and economic return.

NARF promotes agriculture, business, government and private individuals working together for this purpose.

WWAA continues bipartisan effort educating elected officials on buffers

Members of WWAA’s leadership team continue to meet with multiple state legislators to discuss the Governor’s Riparian Task Force recommendations and the impacts they will have on local farms. They have met with local legislators as well as members of the Senate and House ag committees.

"In most cases, our elected officials understand the importance of agriculture and that we are the local farmers for Seattle's food," explained Kara Rowe, WWAA's policy director. "But what they don't understand is the real-life impact of reports and words on paper. When we show them first-hand how their decisions could eliminate farming in Skagit County and beyond, they start to understand how it impacts local food production."

The final version of the Governor's recommendations include eminent domain language, as well as site potential tree height buffer widths. In some areas that will include more than 200 foot buffers. For example, the Boldly Grown farm near Bow borders fish-bearing waters of the Samish River. They already have an existing riparian buffer averaging 100 feet in width and under the new recommendations the buffer would need to grow to more than 200 feet. Boldly Grown is owned by WWAA members Jacob Slosberg and Amy Frye. It is a certified organic and Salmon-Safe certified mixed vegetable farm. They started their farm in 2015 on one acre at the Viva Farms incubator, and now grow approximately 35 acres of vegetables plus grains, dry beans, flowers, seed crops and eggs from pasture-raised chickens. They have been leaders in locally-led conservation efforts working to improve fish habitat while farming sustainably. The majority of their food is distributed within Washington and Oregon. They provide significant volumes of food to hunger relief efforts (food banks, other targeted initiatives). For the past four years, they have had a relationship with the Swinomish Tribe, providing subsidized CSA shares for between 14-24 families annually (approximately 15,000 lbs. of food over four years).


Based on spatial analysis, the farm anticipates an extension of the existing buffer to align with the recommended site potential tree height (SPTH) of 200 feet would result in a net loss of 7 acres currently in food production. This loss is due primarily to most of the existing 8-acre buffer needing to align with the SPTH200 of 215 ft for Douglas fir, nearly doubling the buffer width.

This may seem like a small amount of land to lose, but for a small-mid-scale beginning farm like theirs, it comprises 20% of their available production acreage. This loss would seriously jeopardize the future of their family farm and their ability to produce food for our region.
It is estimated that these recommendations could lead to 30-50% farmland loss throughout the Skagit River delta. This farmland loss will lead to a major loss of local food production for Seattle and the Pacific Northwest region.


WWAA leaders Tyler Breum and Owen Peth joined members Jacob Slosberg and Amy Frye recently to showcase the local effects of large buffer recommendations from the current Governor's office. They met with Sen. Liz Lovelett and Rep. Alex Ramel, both of the 40th District, on the Boldly Grown farm. Jacob and Amy operate Boldly Grown farm, which is both certified organic and Salmon-Safe certified. Their current CREP riparian buffer would need to double in size under the new recommendations, ultimately leading to another large loss of farmable acreage.


The current CREP buffer on the Boldly Grown farm near Bow. The CREP area comprises 8 acres in total and encompasses about 3,100 feet of Samish River frontage. Under the Governor's new recommendations, this buffer would need to double in size.

WWAA calls out selective application of WDFW’s research and recommendations

In addition to hosting tours for local elected officials, WWAA leaders and staff have begun highlighting a flaw in state agency reliance on the site-potential-tree-height (SPTH) as the mandatory buffer width. This ideology is based on Washington Department of Wildlife's (WDFW) research. However, in Volume 1 of their Science Synthesis, WDFW states that:

  • "Scientific literature is clear about the expected effect of reducing stream shading, especially during summer; water gets warmer, particularly peak temperatures. Science is less able to provide accurate and precise predictions of the effects of specific riparian management measures. "

  • "The models tell us that reducing shade usually increases stream temperatures (following the shape of the dotted line connecting points), but they cannot predict exactly how much shade reduction will result in a specific temperature increase"

  • "Uncertainty in this case describes our inability to accurately predict exact outcomes."

  • "Importantly, riparian shade is often directly amenable to management and in many locations riparian vegetation height and density may be more closely associated with shade than width of riparian vegetation per se (DeWalle 2010)."

  • "Despite the large quantity of research and number of literature reviews, no widely accepted recommendations have emerged on minimum buffer widths needed to protect water quality."

The SPTH-based recommendation does not guarantee improved Chinook salmon returns, but it does guarantee a loss of farms and soil-based food production.

In Volume 2 of the WDFW Management Recommendations, the agencies’ key findings and recommendations are to “Establish RMZ widths based on site-specific conditions: From the perspective of those riparian ecosystem functions affecting aquatic systems, the width of the riparian ecosystem varies with ecological conditions. The most efficient way to protect riparian functions is to adopt protections that recognize these differences, rather than uniform-width (i.e., one-size-fits-all) RMZs, as these may result in over-protection in some places and under-protection in others" (emphasis added).

Finally, WDFW staff has also acknowledged that Volume 2 is “not in and of itself Best Available Science (BAS): Rather, it states our policy preferences, reflective of WDFW’s mandate, based on the science.” Importantly, WDFW also understands that:

  • “landowners and land managers most often face situations where various human needs must also be met; and thus, considerations other than fish and wildlife will be incorporated into land use decision making.” 

We believe that the restoration and protection of salmon populations and the preservation of our state’s unique agricultural soils, our farms, and ultimately our region’s food security are not mutually exclusive goals. Unfortunately, the one-size-fits-all recommendations from the Governors Riparian Task Force are arbitrary and not backed by WDFW’s own research and recommendations. Finding solutions will take a true multistakeholder, collaborative effort. We look forward to being part of the process.

Agriculture Safety Day Comes to Skagit County
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Washington Farm Bureau has been instrumental in the creation and development of Ag Safety Day for over 20 years. Now, for the first time, this valuable conference is coming to western Washington. Join us for the first ever Northwestern Washington Ag Safety Day!
Space is Limited!

When: November 14, 2024
Where: Maple Hall Event Center, 104 Commercial St, La Conner, WA 
Cost: $75 per attendee ($10 discount for entities registering five or more attendees)

Classes offered in both English and Spanish:

  • Air Blast Sprayer Calibration and Configuration *Pesticide recertification credits available

  • Tractor Safety

  • Basta-Prevent Sexual Harassment in Agriculture

  • General Information on Pesticide Labels *Pesticide recertification credits available

  • Machine Guarding-Lock Out Tag Out

  • Developing an Effective Accident Prevention Program

To register, visit our event site: 

WWAA comments on battery storage & moratorium

WWAA staff recently submitted comments on the Skagit County's interim ordinance imposing a moratorium on energy storage projects on Skagit farmland.

Our soils and farmland are unlike any other state and region in the U.S., and we must treat it as such. We cannot produce more farmland and the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) requires Skagit County to identify and conserve farmland zoned Agricultural - Natural Resource Lands (Ag-NRL) solely for food and fiber production in perpetuity. Skagit County Comprehensive Plan, countywide policies and codes all uphold and enforce the requirements of the GMA. Conversion of Ag-NRL to any other uses, other than soil-dependent activities as accessory uses, is illegal.

Because of this, WWAA opposes any proposed battery storage facilities within the Ag-NRL and strongly supports the interim ordinance imposing a moratorium on energy storage projects on Skagit farmland. WWAA also supports the proposed code language change that the Planning Department drafted.

We believe that there are multiple areas within the urban areas of Mount Vernon that would support this facility, including vacant buildings and parking lots. We urged the County to maintain and extend the moratorium if needed, until final code amendments are fully in effect. We urged leaders to continue prioritizing agriculture over development or incompatible uses in the future.

Washington Supreme Court invalidates King County Ordinance 19030

September 19, 2024 - Agricultural lands in Washington state gained another level of protection today, thanks to the efforts of WWAA and fellow agricultural groups. The Washington Supreme Court issued its opinion this morning in the King County v. Friends of Sammamish Valley case.  In a split (5-4) decision, the Court reversed the Court of Appeals decision and reinstated the Growth Management Hearings Board’s Final Decision and Order invalidating King County’s Ordinance 19030. Their decision was based on both Growth Management Act (GMA) and State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) considerations. 


For the past year, WWAA has worked with its legal team at Cascadia Law and other agricultural groups to oppose Ordinance 19030. The Ordinance altered zoning and business licensing regulations for wineries, breweries, and distilleries (WBDs), and accompanying tasting rooms, within land designated as agricultural and rural under the King County comprehensive plan. It was rejected twice by the Washington State Growth Management Hearings Board (GMHB), for violating the SEPA and GMA. Last summer, the Court of Appeals, Division I, overturned previous decisions by the GMHB. This led Friends of Sammamish Valley and Futurewise to file Petitions for Review to the Washington State Supreme Court. WWAA filed an Amicus Memo & Brief in support of the review based on the belief that Ordinance 19030 violated GMA and King County policies by placing urban serving businesses in Rural Area and Agriculture zones. 


Associate Chief Justice Charles Johnson wrote the Court’s majority opinion, stating that the GHMB had the authority to reject the Ordinance based on its violation of the GMA and SEPA.

The GMA requires that development regulations preserve natural resource and critical areas,

and that land adjacent to such areas not interfere in their continued use. RCW 36.70A.060…


We agree that the Board made the proper comparison between the Ordinance and the baseline

condition of the environment within this rural and agricultural zone. The Ordinance allows much

of the agricultural and rural land in Sammamish Valley and elsewhere in King County to serve as

semi retail event space, potentially impacting the environment. While some businesses already

exist and impact the condition of the land, under the Ordinance, more structures will be built, land

will be paved, and water usage and sewage will inevitably increase, all having a very likely impact

on the condition of the land and a negative impact on the environment.


“I am so pleased that the State Supreme Court agrees that the GMA should be upheld in every County, regardless of the pressures to erode the rural agricultural space,” said WWAA President Jenn Smith. “Ag lands are becoming more and more precious in western Washington. Our soils are unique, and we are losing farms and farmland every year in our region. Any erosion of the right to farm in the Agricultural Zones reduces local food production, which isn’t good for anyone who likes to eat.”

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WWAA shows local legislators the impact of Riparian Task Force recommendations 

Members of WWAA’s leadership team have been meeting with multiple local legislators to discuss the Governor’s Riparian Task Force recommendations and the impacts they will have on local farms. The final version of the recommendations include eminent domain language, as well as site potential tree height buffer widths. In some areas that will include more than one hundred foot buffers. The draft recommendations also include language that would require certain non-fish-bearing waterways to be prioritized along with fish-bearing waters, which could lead to buffers on Skagit Valley’s dike and drainage infrastructure. It is estimated that these recommendations could lead to 30-50% farmland loss throughout the Skagit River delta. This farmland loss will lead to a major loss of local food production for Seattle and the Pacific Northwest region.


​During the visits, WWAA leaders have also discussed the challenges facing local farmers including the recent rains, rising estate planning costs, and the revised NOAA/National Marine Fisheries Service mitigation calculator.

“There are a lot of factors from a variety of sources making it very hard for famers in the area to farm,” said WWAA Policy Director Kara Rowe. “The riparian recommendations alone could devastate our ability to grow food in the delta, and ultimately this would lead to fewer farms. That issue, piled onto our ability to maintain our delta drainage infrastructure, will affect every farm in the area: big, small, organic, conventional, everyone.”

WWAA comments on Skagit County Comprehensive Plan draft sections

WWAA staff recently submitted comments on the Skagit County's draft Comprehensive Plan update.

"Washington State requires all counties, cities, and towns planning under the Growth Management Act to conduct a periodic review and update of its comprehensive plan and development regulations to ensure consistency with state laws and the expected population and employment projects for the next 20 years. Skagit County must complete its current periodic update by June 30, 2025." - Skagit County


WWAA leaders Tyler Breum (left) and Owen Peth (right) recently met with Rep. Clyde Shavers (middle, D-10, Oak Harbor) on the Breum farm between Stanwood and Conway. Over the next few weeks, WWAA hopes to meet with many westside legislators to explain the impacts of the riparian recommendations on local farms. 


WWAA leaders Tyler Breum (left) and Owen Peth (right) recently met with Rep. Clyde Shavers (middle, D-10, Oak Harbor) on the Breum farm between Stanwood and Conway. Over the next few weeks, WWAA hopes to meet with many westside legislators to explain the impacts of the riparian recommendations on local farms. 

The draft policies are currently being reviewed by the Planning Commission, and they are taking public comments on specific sections. WWAA commented on the Rural Elements and Natural Resources sections. "As a representative of the area’s agricultural community, we appreciate the time taken to make the plan more efficient," stated the WWAA position. "We also understand that things can often get diluted unintentionally during the process. Because of this, overall we oppose the suggested changes in the Agriculture portions, because we feel the proposed changes could lead to diluted protections for agriculture. We also oppose any changes to the LAMIRDs portions in the Rural Element section that could, again, lead to diluted protections for agriculture."WWAA will continue monitoring the update process and will most likely comment on future sections of the Comprehensive Plan Draft.

Despite the rain we had a great Farm Show!

A big THANK YOU to everyone who braved the rain and came out to the 3rd Annual Farm Show on Saturday! We hosted a steady stream of people who enjoyed lots of smiles, fun and food! Again, thank you to Schuh Farms for hosting us! Also a big thanks to Skagit Farmers Supply for being our presenting sponsor. And also to our other supporters and booth attendees who made the day awesome.

KAPS Country Radio Skagit Aggregates LLC AgWest Farm Credit Wilbur-Ellis Brim Tractor Company Northwest Lime Company, LLC Papé Skagit County, Washington - Government Skagit County Farm Bureau Whidbey Gemstone Finders Skagit Conservation District Washington Grown Genuine Skagit Valley Skagit County Farm Bureau and Christensen Fuel


A wheat field on Fir Island that has recently been flattened by recent rains. This makes harvest more difficult and could lead to a much lower quality crop.

Untimely rain wreaks havoc on harvest

Rain at the end of August is very uncommon in northwest Washington. To see the amount of rain we've seen lately is almost historic. Throughout  Snohomish, Skagit and Whatcom counties farmers have seen 1-4 inches over the past week.

"What would have been a welcome sight a month ago is now a major negative for many of our local crops," said Torey Wilson, WWAA board member and Wilbur-Ellis agronomist. "Vegetable seed crops like spinach, cabbage and beets, as well as our wheat and barley fields are all impacted by this rain." The rain came right as these crops were drying and preparing for harvest. Now much of the crop is either flattened, or wet, which leads to more difficult harvesting and overall quality loss.

NARF-WSU Field Day a success

Research Matters. Everyday. Another great Field Day at WSU Mount Vernon is in the books! Farmers heard research updates on projects that matter to the future of food production in the region. Thank you to the Northwest Agricultural Research Foundation, Puget Sound Seed Growers Association, Small Seed Advisory Group, and the team at WSU who hosted a great event! Go Cougs!

May - June 2024

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After using the WDFW’s GIS mapping tool, WWAA leaders and staff calculated that 40% of the Breum Farm’s 215 acre section near Stanwood will be taken out of production if the Governor's Riparian Task Force recommendations are implemented.

Governor’s Riparian Task Force Draft Recommendations Impact Local Farms

Members of WWAA’s leadership team recently hosted the Governor’s Riparian Task Force during a tour of Snohomish and Skagit area farmlands. The goal was to show how the Task Force’s recent draft recommendations will impact area farms. The Task Force is sending out their final recommendations on June 30. The latest version of the recommendations include eminent domain language, as well as site potential tree height buffer widths. In some areas that will include more than one hundred foot buffers. The draft recommendations also include language that would require certain non-fish-bearing waterways to be prioritized along with fish-bearing waters:

“Include restoration criteria for both fish-bearing and non-fish-bearing waters in accordance with Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) recommendations. For non-fish-bearing waters prioritize those that have a significant nexus to salmon and steelhead recovery over non-fish-bearing waters that do not have a significant nexus to salmon and steelhead recovery.” (2.2.7)

This could mean that the Skagit Valley’s dike and drainage infrastructure would be bordered by one hundred foot riparian buffers throughout the delta. “This is absolute nonsense,” WWAA President, Jenn Smith (Fir Island) said. “They are focused on taking land out of production and yet have no idea the full ramifications these suggestions have on farms and local communities. Removing such large amounts of productive land along each side of every slough, dike and drainage ditch in the delta will force farms out of business.”

The Task Force stopped at the Breum family farm near Stanwood, and WWAA board member Tyler Breum explained the major impact the recommendations would have on their farm. “My brother and I are the 5th generation of my family to grow crops in these fields,” said Breum (Stanwood). “We have been leaders in locally led conservation efforts, working with the Stillaguamish Tribe, municipalities, and neighbors to improve fish habitat and farm productively. The Riparian Task Force's recommendations will have a major impact on our farm physically and financially. It will also lead to less food production for the state and world.”

After using the WDFW’s GIS mapping tool, WWAA leaders and staff calculated that 40% of Breum’s 215 acre section near Stanwood would be taken out of production. “This buffer will remove over 86 acres,” said Bruem. “That means 4.3 million pounds less potatoes, 103,000 pounds less spinach seed, or 175,000 pounds less grass seed grown each year.”


During the visit to Breum’s farm, Scott DeGraw, long time agricultural lender for Bank of the Pacific, was asked about the financial ramifications of these setbacks to farmers. “They are huge” replied DeGraw, who is a farmer himself in Skagit County. “The removal of 86 acres from farming means that the property loses 40% of its ability to help pay for the costs associated with the farming operation. In addition to this reduction in their earnings ability, the loss of this land for farming would reduce the value of the bank’s collateral by over $1 million dollars. This would be devastating to farmers and banks who suddenly have loans that are under-collateralized because the value of the collateral has declined so much. It really is a no win situation”.

“These recommendations have the potential to shut down farming in the Skagit area and other western counties in the state,” said WWAA Policy Director Kara Rowe. “That is not an exaggeration. The Task Force members must understand the true impacts of what they are doing, and this will be a very expensive venture for the state if they enact these recommendations. They are forcing a choice between salmon and soil based agriculture, both of which are currently harvested for local food. If society truly sees this as a priority, then society is going to have to pay the high price tag of fewer farms and less local food production.”

WWAA Amicus Update: Supreme Court Hears Ag Lands Case

For the past year, WWAA has played a significant role in stopping commercial encroachment in agriculturally zoned land in both Skagit and King Counties. In King County, farmland is being threatened by the County’s Adult Beverage Ordinance 19030, which allows for commercial and retail businesses to operate in protected rural and agricultural areas. This Ordinance was rejected twice by the Washington State Growth Management Hearings Board (GMHB), for violating the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and the Growth Management Act (GMA). Last summer, the Court of Appeals, Division I, overturned previous decisions by the GMHB. Along with other agricultural groups, WWAA submitted a formal Amicus Brief this spring with the Washington Supreme Court opposing Ordinance 19030. The Court accepted all six Amicus Briefs filed in opposition and agreed to hear the case.

Our case was heard by the nine justices of the WA Supreme Court on May 21. Friends of Sammamish Valley was the lead organization, and their attorney presented the case. Below is their summary of the proceeding:

“The Court’s role is to determine whether the GMHB erred when it invalidated Ordinance 19030. If the Court rules that the GMHB erred, then invalidation will be lifted. If the Court rules that the GMHB got it right, then the invalidation will remain in place. We believe that Ordinance 19030 violates GMA and King County policies by placing urban serving businesses in Rural Area and Agriculture zones. So even if the County ultimately conducts a proper environmental analysis (which they haven’t so far) the legislation is still problematic. The justices do not tip their hands during these proceedings, so it is hard to tell what they are thinking. But a couple of their questions were intriguing. Overall, we felt good about the hearing and remain hopeful.”

We expect to receive a decision from the Court within the year. The video of the Court hearing on the Adult Beverage Ordinance 19030 can be found here.

Implementation of Endangered Species Act Pesticide Mitigations Unfeasible for Many
WWAA staff recently participated in a working group to review the current EPA pesticide Bulletin Language for terrestrial and aquatic Pesticide Use Limitation Area’s (PULAs). Bulletins Live! Two (BLT) is the Web-based application to access Endangered Species Protection Bulletins (Bulletins). These Bulletins contain enforceable pesticide use limitations that are necessary to ensure a pesticide's use will not harm a species listed as threatened or endangered (listed) under the Endangered Species Act or their designated critical habitat.

The goal of the work group is to develop a regional approach for implementing pesticide Endangered Species mitigations that leverages local expertise and addresses the needs of agricultural and conservation communities. In some cases, riparian buffers, vegetation strips and other practices could be used as mitigation for applying certain pesticides on farms. WWAA joined other state agricultural groups in attendance to ensure that farmers’ voices were heard by those making decisions in this process.

“Sadly, the BLT website is very clunky and not user friendly,” said WWAA Policy Director Kara Rowe. “And, a lot of the potential mitigation requirements could be unfeasible for many farms in western Washington. We made some headway in explaining the ramifications of these limitations and will continue to make sure the farmers are heard.”
Rain a Blessing and a Curse During Planting Season
While much of the state has seen drought declarations already, it’s been a long, wet spring causing a perpetual start & stop planting cycle for some Skagit area farms. Both May and June brought rain and cool temperatures, which can make it challenging to get crops into the ground in a timely manner and give them the boost they need to thrive. Water-logged soil is not good for planting, especially potatoes. While the overall impact of this challenge is yet to be seen on harvest predictions, area farmers have been happy to see a little more sunshine recently west of the Cascades. Moderate temperatures will be helpful as the summer progresses.

The map to the right shows precipitation for the past 60 days as a percentage of the historical average (1991–2020) for the same time period. Green/blue shades indicate above-normal precipitation, while brown shades indicate below-normal precipitation. Source(s): UC Merced
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March - April 2024


The 2024 WWAA board and staff at the annual meeting in February. From left to right are WWAA office manager Heather Teegarden, board members Mikala Staples Hughes, Dan Gundersen, Aaront Taylor, Torey Wilson, podcaster Brandy Cruz, board members Jenn Smith, Owen Peth, Tyler Bruem, and WWAA policy director Kara Rowe (not pictured: board member Diane Patterson). The board honored former president Curtis Johnson by commemorating their board room with his name. 

After 80 years, WWAA still works to elevate the voice of its farmers through proactive solutions

Healthy businesses are the key to a healthy region, and for more than 150 years agriculture has been a critical industry of this area. WWAA is a champion of agricultural opportunity in northwest Washington. By cultivating a collaborative environment, we help agriculture flourish and community prosperity to rise. In the past 12 months, we have gone through an evolution at the staff and board levels. We have intergenerational men and women who want to both honor the past and protect the region for future generations. In that spirit, we also want to solve problems. We have worked in a thoughtful manner the past few months to meet two demands from our members:

  • elevate the voice of farmers at tables of influence, and 

  • work to find solutions in the region that protect farms and productive farmland.

We have taken this challenge seriously, and quite appropriately, as we celebrate our 80th anniversary as an organization. As our predecessors did, we continue to fight for private property rights and the right to farm in northwest Washington. We believe that the future success of farming in this region is dependent on a grassroots, multi-person effort that generates from multiple perspectives, strong relationships and sincere honesty.

WWAA Amicus update: Supreme Court agrees to review King County commercial development on ag lands

While working to protect Ag-NRL lands in Skagit County, WWAA continued its work in King County this winter. Farmland is being threatened by King County’s Adult Beverage Ordinance 19030, which allows for commercial and retail businesses to operate in protected rural and agricultural areas.

WWAA submitted a formal Amicus Brief on April 5th with the Washington Supreme Court opposing Ordinance 19030. The Court accepted all six Amicus Briefs filed in opposition. Briefs can be found here, and the Oral Hearing date is May 21.

This Ordinance was rejected twice by the Washington State Growth Management Hearings Board (GMHB), for violating the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and the Growth Management Act (GMA). Last summer, the Court of Appeals, Division I, overturned previous decisions by the GMHB. 

In September, WWAA worked with its legal team to file an amicus memo that supports the Friends of Sammamish Valley and Futurewise Petitions for Review to the Washington State Supreme Court in July 2023, requesting review of the Court of Appeals Div I opinion. In early December, the Supreme Court accepted the WWAA memo along with three others, and voted unanimously to review the FoSV appeal.

WWAA increases voice at Skagit Watershed Council

For the past year, we have been working to build key relationships that can expand and elevate the voice of WWAA and its members. We know that myopic state proposals to address salmon recovery have been a source of contention and stress among farmers for generations. We also believe that the spirit of relationship and collaboration is the key to solving problems. This is why we recently increased our role at the Skagit Watershed Council (SWC). The SWC plays a key role in salmon recovery efforts in the region, and stands on the foundation of voluntary efforts.

WWAA was a founding member of the SWC, and has served on the Lead Entity Citizen Committee (LECC) for many years. This committee’s main function is to review and provide a final ranking of habitat projects proposed based on their merits as measured by community and economic criteria. The LECC is the formal group that funds projects through the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO), Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB). In recent years, Mark Knutzen has represented WWAA on that committee. Recently, after months of collaboration with others, we were able to not only retain Mark’s presence on this committee, but also add WWAA’s Vice President, Owen Peth, to the group. Additionally, we were able to add our Policy Director, Kara Rowe, to the SWC board of directors. This increased presence will ensure that local agriculture’s voice is elevated in its purest form at one of the regions’ most influential tables on salmon recovery.


The 2024 WWAA spring social and legislative update was successful!  State Senators Keith Wagoner and Ron Muzzall gave their summaries of the 2024 legislative session. Attendees also heard policy updates from staff, and a presentation by the Washington State Department of Agriculture.

WWAA leaders meet with Skagit River System Cooperative staff

In addition to our work developing relationships at the SWC, we have also been working to increase our knowledge and understanding of the Skagit River System Cooperative (SRSC). The SRSC provides natural resource management services for the Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe and the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community. SRSC works to actively improve fisheries management within their usual and accustomed fishing areas. WWAA leaders believe that relationship building is key to protecting the future of agriculture in the region. The government and lawyers can’t build those relationships for us, only farmers can make that progress themselves. Through many meetings, we have developed a better understanding of the SRSC, its staff, and their goals. We have also educated SRSC staff about the priorities of our members and the need for productive farmland protection.

WWAA opposes Earthjustice TMDL notice

WWAA stands firm in its opposition to assertions made and the scope of the recent Earthjustice and Swinomish Indian Tribal Community’s 60-Day Intent to Sue over TMDL’s in the Lower Skagit River watershed. We disagree with many statements made within the Intent, especially the agricultural burden. We believe agriculture carries an unfair portion of the scrutiny compared to urban development. We also challenge that the Washington Department of Ecology has a relevant enforcement authority to require the establishment of buffers. We oppose the taking of private lands through condemnation or eminent domain by the county, state or federal government and will fight to protect every inch of productive farmland within the region.

WWAA supports Voluntary Stewardship Program in Skagit and beyond

WWAA has worked diligently to support the Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP), which is managed by new Skagit County staff. VSP provides funding and technical assistance incentives to agricultural landowners who implement best management practices and natural resource enhancement on their property. VSP is the alternative, non-regulatory approach to protecting Critical Areas in Skagit County while maintaining agricultural productivity. Owen Peth and Mikala Staples Hughes serve on the VSP Watershed Advisory Group, and Kara Rowe has been helping staff on an as-needed basis. We believe the success of this program will be critical to avoiding heavy-handed, one-size-fits-all regulations in the future.

WWAA submits comments to USACE on McGlinn Island Jetty rehabilitation

In March, WWAA submitted formal comments to the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) supporting the replacement or rehabilitation of the jetty. Nearly a year ago, SRSC found that the jetty was killing and injuring hundreds of juvenile salmon each year. This is discouraging for all citizens in the region, especially farmers whose lands are being targeted for Chinook habitat and recovery. This is potentially one of the most important projects to help recover Chinook salmon in the Puget Sound region, and we encouraged USACE to move forward expeditiously on jetty restoration.


McGlinn Island Jetty, photo courtesy of US Army Corps of Engineers

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